Common Beech is a British Native tree and is a well-loved part of the landscape. It makes a magnificent tree with attractive green leaves that turn a rich copper colour in the autumn. Common Beech as a tree is best suited to larger gardens or parkland settings, grown as a specimen in the lawn. However, it can make a great hedge, retaining the coppery leaves throughout winter and only losing them when the new foliage develops in spring. Common Beech makes an attractive formal hedge that will act as a privacy screen and as a windbreak.
Fagus Sylvatica Common Beech Tree Options
150-180cm : 7-12L pot, 2-3 years old, Half Standard.
180-240cm: 9-15L: pot, 2-3 years old, Half Standard.
220-260: 12-20L pot, 3-4 years old, Half Standard.
Feathered 175+: 175-200cm tall, feathered (branches most of the trunk)
Feathered 200+: 200-250cm tall, feathered (branches most of the trunk)
300+ : 50-70L pot, feathered tree and 300-350cm tall.
350+ : 50-70L pot, feathered tree and 350-400cm tall.
400+ : 110L pot, feathered tree and 400-450cm tall.
Girth 8-10cm : Standard,35L pot, roughly 240-300cm tall.
Girth 10-12cm : Standard,50L pot, roughly 300-360cm tall.
Girth 12-14cm : Standard,30L pot, roughly 360-420cm tall.
Girth 14-16cm : Standard,110L pot, roughly 480-540cm tall.
*Heights/volumes are given as a very rough guideline and can have considerable variation based on species and supplier (each nursery experiences different growing conditions) It may even have been pruned before being sent out so we can only guarantee girth. Trees over 5.5m may include a delivery surcharge based on location and species but we will confirm with you before progressing the order.
Once a mature tree is around 200cm/4 years old then girth is the best measure of value for money. For every girth measurement increment e.g. 6-8cm to 8-10cm, the canopy will be wider, stronger, bushier and the root system larger as it has experienced 12-18 months growth. You can notice larger root systems with potted versions because the pot size increases with maturity. As a very general rule, each one cm girth measurement represents around 30cm growth but this doesn't apply to slow-growing trees.
Multistem means several stems starting very low to the ground. Comparing these with the same age Standard and Half Standard, these are typically shorter as growing several stems takes more effort than one stem and the girth measuring system does not apply.
Standard and Half Standard means lollipop shape. Industry definitions (which are not universal) mean Half Standard have around 80-150cm clear stem and Standard 180cm or more. Half Standards will usually be quite smaller than their standard equivalent girth size.
Feathered means it has an obvious single stem with side branching for most of it.
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Tree Jargon Explained
Half Standard: Around 80-100cm clear stem.
Standard: Around 180-200cm clear stem.
Feathered: Branches for most of the trunk/stem length.
Multi-Stem/Bush: Very little or no clear stem. Multiple branching starting low to the ground.
Rootball: Dug from the field with roots intact i.e. no pot.
Pot: Plastic container that the tree was grown in.
Maiden: 1 year tree that has not been pruned.
Pleached: Foliage a square/rectangle flat shape wired to a bamboo frame with some clear stem.
Screen: Same as pleached but much less/no clear stem.
Multiple Order Discount
Orders over £750 for 150cm+ trees might be discounted by contacting us
Ornamental Tree Roots In The Shade e.g. Behind A Fence
It is more important that that foliage (posh term for leaves) receives the sunlight than the roots. So if the canopy of your ornamental tree can sunbathe but the bottom of your tree thinks there has been a nuclear winter then that is ok. You might want to ensure you have good drainage as water and no sun is the start of algae and other such issues.
Early Autumn Leaf Fall
Heat stress, being potted, lack of water, being boxed up for a few days etc can cause early Autumn leaf fall. Once planted, normal service will resume next season.
Do I Need To Stake My Ornamental Tree?
9 out of 10 times the answer will be no, especially if under 200cm tall. However our article on Tree Staking should help guide you.
Climate Change
Climate Change has increased aesthetic foliage issues such as Powdery Mildew, Shothole, Rust, frost damage etc These are not terminal issues and will usually last a season or less. All trees are inspected before being sent out to ensure they are fundamentally healthy and will bounce back.