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Why Buy Our Hedging Trees?

  • Our hedging trees are plug plants which can be planted all year round. No rush to plant as roots are not exposed.
  • Grown in the North UK which makes the plants much hardier (used to bad weather and political scandal)
  • Very easy to plant, little cultivation required and very high success rate.
  • Our trees are covered by a FREE TREE WARRANTY. (first 15% not covered)
  • Plants do not "check" when planted so rapid early growth.
  • Root plug contains both naturally occurring mycorrhizae and fertilizer.
  • Growing containers eliminate root spiralling. 
  • FREE DELIVERY (UK Mainland only). 

Hawthorn Hedging Trees

Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) aka Quick Thorn or May Thorn, is probably the most common native, British hedging species. It does particularly well in most soils, except very wet soils and equally copes with all sites with the exception of dense shade. Hawthorn is fairly fast-growing, adding approximately 45cm (1ft 6in) of new growth in a year. During Spring, hawthorn comes into leaf, followed shortly afterwards by a attractive display of white scented blossom. In Autumn, amazing displays of red-berries appear which are a valuable food source to many forms of wildlife.

The dense thorns make some bird species feel safe enough to build nests within the Hawthorn hedge so expect a great deal of wildlife activity if you plant these. Hawthorn is considered the second most useful plant for UK wildlife beaten only by English Oak.

Suitable for coastal hedges which means gardens that ARE CLOSE TO SEA WATER, not sand dunes, salt marshes and Royal Navy artillery ranges! We do get asked these things!

Hawthorn Hedging is suitable for exposed sites which means will tolerate windy and harsh weather conditions and not nudist colonies.

We recommend trimming shortly after flowering or in Autumn. Hawthorn is quite often found as one of a number of native species in a hedging mix, these typically including; Blackthorn, Hazel , Dog Rose , Elder and Crab Apple , but there is no reason why it cannot be planted as a pure Hawthorn hedge.

Benefits of using our plug plant trees

Our Hawthorn hedging trees are sold as plug plants, in other words the roots are encased in compost. This means that planting can be carried out at any time of the year, provided they are watered in periods of drought, compared to bare-root plants which can only be planted during the plants normal dormant period (November to March). All of these trees are UK grown, which is important for successful establishment.

How many Hawthorn hedging trees do I need?

We recommend planting 6 plants per metre using the double staggered hedge method.

What Our Customers Are Saying About Our Hawthorn Hedging Trees

Dear Alan, I am delighted by my Rowan which looks very much at home, thank you. It arrived well packed and was planted in its designated spot. It still has some of its leaves 😊 which my gardener ( sounds grand but she is a marvel and helps me out weekly for 2 hours ) expected. I believe positive vibes are helpful. The hawthorn has also been planted and has retained its leaves, so far. I am very pleased with my orders, there packaging and speed of arrival. I will definitely order any more trees and hedging from you next year and will ensure that family and friends hear about you; you are close by.Many thanks, Anna 1019

Hi Alan, Thank you for your amusing email. Have received the aforesaid item and have immediately potted into a pot ready for the spring but who knows if it will grow in this totally sunless climate we are currently experiencing. However I have purchased a tulip tree from you a couple of years ago and its doing fine! Many thanks Martin daggett. 0313

Due to courier unpredictability, we advise having your trees delivered AT LEAST 3 days before you actually need them. 

Returning Cell Grown Trees
For Phytosanitary reasons, cell-grown trees cannot be returned to the nursery. 

Delaying Planting Cell Grown Trees
If you cannot plant straight away, take the trees out of the packaging and stand upright next to each other in a sheltered location outside. November to March, no need to water unless they start to dry out and these would be ok for up to 6 weeks. During Spring and Summer, you can do this for up to 3 weeks. 

Site Conditions And Evergreen Tree List
Our tree chart details which site conditions suit which trees and also which are evergreen or semi-evergreen.

Feeding Or Fertilizing Hedges
Any nitrogen based fertilizer will do such as 20:20:10 but the longer lasting ones which take 18/24 months are better as they are regulated by the weather and moisture therefore release slowly. 

Second line of hedging or staggered row 
We recommend planting the second line of trees 25cm or 10 inches away from the first if using the staggered hedging approach. Consider buying 10% more than you need and plant the spares elsewhere so you have immediate replacements for damaged or diseased trees.

Hedge Protection
For all hedging protection please view the Tree Extra section.

You would think that thorny plants would put rabbits off from eating them however this is not the case. They are happy to take the pain regardless of the cost (sounds like rabbits would be suited to marriage) 

Hedge Growth Rates
For information on rates of growth please click "Hedge Growth Rates"

Using Bark or wood chip mulch for hedging trees
Mice like to use this as a nest/home/holiday retreat and they eat the bark (especially Beech). Periodically check for damage below the mulch or bark layer. Alternatively use gravel or plastic sheeting as a method of keeping weeds.

Adding Fragrance And Colour To Your Hedge.
Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) is a very popular addition to any garden due to the strong fragrance, splash of colours and interest it generates from other wildlife. Click the link to find out more.

Coastal Planting
Trees suitable for coastal hedging include Aspen, Hawthorn, Holly, Juniper, Rowan, Whitebeam and Willows

Factors Detrimental To Cell Grown/Young Hedging Trees
Too much/little water, animal Urine, excessive wind exposure (will slow growth), salt spray, frost on new growth, herbicide drift and over application of fertilizer.

Hedge Tree Growing In The UK
We have instructed all our hedging trees that no non-UK holidays are allowed so that we can state they are all UK grown. 

Planting In The Corner Of A Garden
Air and light is reduced in this location which could promote fungus and bacterial issues. If the corner is of the house and a fence then you also have leeching issues to contend with from cement and wood preservatives. Also when it rains, that area would experience higher water levels so we advise against it unless the plant is very hardy. 

Multiple Order Discount
Orders over 1000 trees can be discounted by contacting us on 0800 043 1057

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Tree Warranty

Delayed Delivery. Reserve Orders

Tree Warranty

Delayed Delivery. Reserve Orders