For taller options and non-tree planting schemes Contact us stating species, height/girth and delivery postcode.
Wisteria Floribunda Black Dragon Options Explained
90-150cm: 3-7L pot.
150+cm: 3-7L pot, Height 150-200cm.
200+cm: Pot Size 7L, Height 200-250cm.
250+cm: Pot Size 18L, Height 250-300cm.
300+cm: Pot Size 18L, Height 300-350cm.
350+cm: Pot Size 25L, Height 350-400cm.
400+cm: Pot Size 35-50L, Height 400-4504m.
150+cm: Pot Size 35-50L, Height 450-500cm.
600+cm: Pot Size 50-70L, Height 600-700cm.
Wisteria Floribunda Black Dragon
The Wisteria Floribunda Black Dragon is vigorous, deciduous and provides one of the longer purple pendant like racemes of up to 60cm long. Racemes is a posh way of saying long bunch of flowers. These can turn into velvety seed pods and can be great to pick off and throw at your partner when she isn't looking so she thinks naughty birds are flying over and dropping their recent haul.
Expect the double looking flowers to make an appearance around May or June (aka late Spring to early Summer) so long as Western Civilisation doesn't screw the weather up much more than it already has. All being well, you should also get some white and yellow markings. New foliage emerges as brown or bronze to the romantic wordsmith types, this turns to a bright green and then a mid tone yellow in the Autumn.
You can train it to climb or stand alone as a tree but not to "fetch" or "roll over" although does "stay" quite well. Does not self attach readily, either because it cannot work the sellotape dispenser or it just doesn't grow that way. You will need to provide support for it and give a structure to climb over. One option would be to let it climb up other trees.
Our Wisteria Floribunda Black Dragon (aka Violacea Plena) is considered fully hardy which means it will take the average British winter without too much issue. If it starts growing around your radiators then it is either feeling the cold or someone has stolen one of your walls and you have not noticed.
Grow in well-drained fertile soil in full sun for best results, It will be ok in dappled shade but not as good as full sun. Training it through your bedroom window and under the sun bed will, at best, just get the neighbours gossiping about you.
Consider pruning twice a year for best results, once after the flowers have died off and the second in mid winter which should encourage new growth.
Expect your Wisteria Black Dragon to grow to around 10m high and 5m wide.
It is listed as generally disease free which in our experience is a relative term. If you live next door to the Wisteria Disease Research centre and their trade body has listed their competence as "below average" then we think you could be heading for a bit of disappointment. If you prune it to let the light and air get in amongst the foliage as much as practical, feed and water as required, then your appointment with disappointment probably will be cancelled. Leaf Spot and Powdery Mildew will be two that you might want to research and know what they look like.
All parts of the plant are poisonous and will cause severe stomach problems if ingested.
All our Wisteria are supplied with 4 year old roots.
Message card included at no additional cost if required. Just add the information required on the card at checkout.
See What Our Customers Are Saying About Our Wisteria Floribunda Black Dragon
Hello, Just to let you know that the wisteria has arrived and looking good. Right now it is sunbathing after enjoying a drink. Thank you Best wishes Louise 0520
Very healthy looking and bigger than expected - many thanks! 0919
Tree Jargon Explained
Half Standard: Around 80-100cm clear stem.
Standard: Around 180-200cm clear stem.
Feathered: Branches for most of the trunk/stem length.
Multi-Stem/Bush: Very little or no clear stem. Multiple branching starting low to the ground.
Rootball: Dug from the field with roots intact i.e. no pot.
Pot: Plastic container that the tree was grown in.
Maiden: 1 year tree that has not been pruned.
Pleached: Foliage a square/rectangle flat shape wired to a bamboo frame with some clear stem.
Screen: Same as pleached but much less/no clear stem.
Multiple Order Discount
Orders over £750 for 150cm+ trees might be discounted by contacting us
Ornamental Tree Roots In The Shade e.g. Behind A Fence
It is more important that that foliage (posh term for leaves) receives the sunlight than the roots. So if the canopy of your ornamental tree can sunbathe but the bottom of your tree thinks there has been a nuclear winter then that is ok. You might want to ensure you have good drainage as water and no sun is the start of algae and other such issues.
Early Autumn Leaf Fall
Heat stress, being potted, lack of water, being boxed up for a few days etc can cause early Autumn leaf fall. Once planted, normal service will resume next season.
Do I Need To Stake My Ornamental Tree?
9 out of 10 times the answer will be no, especially if under 200cm tall. However our article on Tree Staking should help guide you.
Climate Change
Climate Change has increased aesthetic foliage issues such as Powdery Mildew, Shothole, Rust, frost damage etc These are not terminal issues and will usually last a season or less. All trees are inspected before being sent out to ensure they are fundamentally healthy and will bounce back.
Planting In The Corner Of A Garden
Air and light is reduced in this location which could promote fungus and bacterial issues. If the corner is of the house and a fence then you also have leeching issues to contend with from cement and wood preservatives. Also when it rains, that area would experience higher water levels so we advise against it unless the plant is very hardy.
Mature Tree Warranty
Once a tree is over 3 years old, the failure rate is considerably less and our Tree Warranty does not cover it at 100%. Please check details.
Poor Flowering Wisteria Information
Poor flowering can be caused by several issues.
1) If you planted as a seedling then you can expect upto a 20 year wait (we graft ours to reduce flowering times to around 4 years).
2) Pruning in the first month or so of Summer can disrupt next years flowering
3) Harsh Spring frosts can REALLY upset the flowers causing them to develop abnormally or just not appear at all
4) Poor quality soil can affect flowering so apply sulphate of Potash in Spring
5) Too much shade can inhibit flower growth.
6) Do not let the soil dry out in hot weather. Next years flowering buds can be affected by this years drought.
7) Check for small teeth marks indicating mice or bird damage. Large teeth marks indicate a Wisteria cannibal in your area.
Wisteria Pot Sizes
Due to Nursery and operational issues, pot sizes may vary.