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DELIVERED SEPTEMBER 2025 Broom (Cytisus scoparius) 20-60cm shrubs**FREE UK MAINLAND DELIVERY + FREE 100% TREE WARRANTY**

DELIVERED SEPTEMBER 2025 Broom (Cytisus scoparius) 20-60cm shrubs**FREE UK MAINLAND DELIVERY + FREE 100% TREE WARRANTY**
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DELIVERED SEPTEMBER 2025 Broom (Cytisus scoparius) 20-60cm shrubs**FREE UK MAINLAND DELIVERY + FREE 100% TREE WARRANTY**
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Quantity1+12+ 35+ 120+ 240+ 450+ 
Price for each£37.00£3.12£2.40£2.10£1.98£1.90
Your savings- 92%94%94%95%95%
Desired quantity:    

Broom (Cytisus scoparius)

Broom (Cytissus scoparius) is a native, British shrub, quite easily identified by its striking flowers, which are an attractive rich butter-yellow colour. Flowering in spring Broom then quite often sporadically continues to flower well into summer. Seed pods form later which when ripe crack open and disperse their seeds, often quite considerable distances. In hot weather, broom has an attractive anaseed fragrance in hot weather. Broom is a very hardy species and thrives in many soil types.

Rabbit and Deer Protection
We offer a range of tree shelters that will protect your plants and trees against possible attack. Click on this Tree Protection Link and it will take you to all of these products.

Broom (Cytisus scoparius) Spacing
If you are thinking of area planting our Broom shrubs then go for 1.5m spacings. This would mean 1700 plants per acre or 4300 per hectare.

Benefits of using our plug plant trees
Our Broom plants are sold as plug plants, in other words the roots are encased in compost. This means that planting can be carried out at any time of the year, provided they are watered in periods of drought, compared to bare-root plants which can only be planted during the plants normal dormant period (November to March). All of these trees are UK grown, which is important for successful establishment.

Wholesale Tree Prices
We will be more than happy to provide quotations on the supply of quantities of 1000 or more trees. Please email us at

See What Our Customers Are Saying About Our Broom Plug Plants
I was very happy with the Gorse and Broom plants, the plug sizes were excellent, and the plants happy - and still are. 0619 Christopher Chesney

Due to courier unpredictability, we advise having your trees delivered AT LEAST 3 days before you actually need them. 

Returning Cell Grown Trees

For Phytosanitary reasons, cell grown trees cannot be returned to the nursery. 

Delaying Planting Cell Grown Trees
If you cannot plant straight away, take the trees out of the packaging and stand upright next to each other in a sheltered location outside. November to March, no need to water unless they start to dry out and these would be ok for up to 6 weeks. During Spring and Summer, you can do this for up to 3 weeks.     

Feeding Or Fertilizing 
This is a task that can easily be over done. Any nitrogen based fertilizer will do such as 20:20:10 but the longer lasting ones which take 18/24 months are better as they are regulated by the weather and moisture therefore release slowly.

Multiple Order Discount
Orders over £1000 can be discounted by contacting us on 0800 043 1057

Do I Need To Stake My Shrubs?
9 out of 10 times the answer will be no, especially if under 200cm tall. However our article on Tree Staking should help guide you. 

UK Grown Shrubs
All our shrubs are UK grown and not allowed to holiday overseas to ensure we can stand by this statement. 

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Tree Warranty

Delayed Delivery. Reserve Orders

Tree Warranty

Delayed Delivery. Reserve Orders