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Himalayan Birch Tree, Betula Jacquemontii Popular + Very White Bark + Easy + Stress Relief **FREE UK DELIVERY + FREE TREE WARRANTY**

Himalayan Birch Tree, Betula Jacquemontii Popular + Very White Bark + Easy + Stress Relief **FREE UK DELIVERY + FREE TREE WARRANTY**
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Himalayan Birch Tree Betula Jacquemontii Multi Stem
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Himalayan Birch Tree Betula Jacquemontii Girth 8-10cm
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Himalayan Birch Tree Betula Jacquemontii 150-180cm
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Available Options:
Size Qty
150-200cm (+£19.20)   
180-240cm (+£30.00)   
Multi-Stem 175-200cm (+£132.00)   
Girth 8-10 cm (+£180.00)  
(custom order)
Multi-Stem 200-250cm (+£252.00)  
(custom order)
Girth 10-12 cm (+£264.00)  
(custom order)
Multi-Stem 250-300cm (+£300.00)  
(custom order)
Girth 12-14 cm (+£336.00)  
(custom order)
Multi-Stem 300-350cm (+£444.00)  
(custom order)
Girth 14-16 cm (+£516.00)  
(custom order)
Multi-Stem 350-400cm (+£720.00)  
(custom order)

For taller options and non-tree planting schemes Contact us stating species, height/girth and delivery postcode.  

Himalayan Birch Betula Jacquemontii aka Kashmir Birch Options
9-12L pot, feathered, 100-150cm tall at delivery.
150-200cm: 5-12L pot. 150-180cm tall. 2-3 years old.
180-240cm: 10-15L pot, 3-4 years old.
350+cm: 30-40L pot, 5 years old, single clear stem around 150cm.
Girth 8-10cm: Standard,30-35L pot, *Roughly 240-300cm tall.
Girth 10-12cm: Standard,30-35L pot, *Roughly 300-360cm tall.
Girth 12-14cm: Standard,50L pot, *Roughly 360-420cm tall.
Girth 14-16cm: Standard,70L pot, *Roughly 420-480cm tall.
Multi-stem 175-200cm : 18L pot (aprox), Bush/multistem
Multi-stem 200-250cm : 25-30L pot (aprox), Bush/multistem
Multi-stem 250-300cm : 30-35L pot (aprox), Bush/multistem
Multi-stem 300-350cm : 35-50L pot (aprox), Bush/multistem
Multi-stem 350-400cm : 70-90L pot (aprox), Bush/multistem

We have many other sizes and options available for Betula Jacquemontii but wanted to keep the list short, please email us if you want other options.

*Heights are given as a very rough guideline and can have considerable variation based on species and supplier (each nursery experiences different growing conditions) It may even have been pruned before being sent out so we can only guarantee girth. Trees over 5.5m may include a delivery surcharge based on location and species.

Once a mature Betula Jacquemontii is over around 200cm/4 years old then girth is the best measure of value for money. For every girth measurement increment e.g. 6-8cm to 8-10cm (roughly 12-18months growth), the canopy will be wider, stronger, bushier and the root system larger as it has experienced 12-18 months growth. You can notice larger root systems with potted versions because the pot size increases with maturity. As a very general rule, each one cm girth measurement represents around 30cm growth but this doesn't apply to slow-growing trees.

Multistem means several stems starting very low to the ground. Comparing these with the same age Standard and Half Standard, these are typically shorter as growing several stems takes more effort than one stem and the girth measuring system does not apply.

Standard and Half Standard means lollipop shape. There is a more clear stem with a Standard.

Himalayan Birch Betula Jacquemontii Description
A very common description of the Himalayan Birch tree is that it is very striking. This doesn't come from people standing too close to low branches in windy weather but from people who appreciate a good looking tree.

Himalayan Birch Jacquemontii is very distinctive because of its bright smooth, white bark and dark green leaves, which turn a golden yellow in autumn. It is this contrast that makes this Birch tree stand out. Some birch tree owners have been known to use a jet wash or sponge to clean up the bark. The white bark takes a few years to come through so you will have to settle for the coppery brown bark until then. This is not true if you are a connoisseur of coppery brown bark, you will then be ecstatic for the first few years and less so as it fades to white. Either way, we can guarantee you are going to be happy with some of the bark, some of the time. If you would like to see much more bark then you need to buy much more trees but that comes from us wanting to increase sales not satisfy your desire for bark. Planting in front of evergreen trees will give you a striking contrast in your garden in Autumn and Winter.

The stress relief mentioned in the product title comes from peeling the old bark off to reveal the new bark underneath. We are not suggesting this is a replacement therapy for PTSD or Post Natal Depression but if you have had a crappy day at the office then a few peelings of this may help.

There are male and female catkins on the tree. Male catkins are yellow and droop with the female being green and a little more upright. They appear May to July time and turn to "winged nutlets" around September. A graceful tree that is perfectly suited for smaller gardens. It can be grown as a specimen in the lawn, grown as a group of trees in woodland or just in the border somewhere.

Himalayan Birch trees are tolerant of wet sites and occasional droughts so if you are a forgetful gardener that lives in parts of UK with very unpredictable weather, this tree is for you. The growth rate is somewhere between average and above average but in the right conditions should be closer to above average. This usually means more than 30cm a year.

Expect a height and width of around 6 x 4m at the 10 year point but could go on to grow more depending on local conditions. Himalayan Birch Betula Jacquemontii final height could be as much as 18 metres at maturity but a lot depends on local conditions e.g soil, weather, low flying helicopters and pruning massacres. If it gets too tall then manual pruning is an option. Width should be around 4 to 8 metres but again manual pruning will give you what you want. That being said, only prune if you have to as Himalayan Birch generally prefer to be left alone. The pruning sense we mean, not socialising; by all means make two cups of tea when you go out to bond with your tree. All dead, diseased and crossing branches should be pruned out for the longer-term health of the tree and all pruning where possible should be completed in late Summer to Mid-Winter as the tree "bleeds" sap profusely. At the time of writing the RHS advise against the use of binding, covering or painting the wound as it traps moisture and could lead to a fungal infection. Leave to air dry instead.

Excessive loss of sap would be noticed by a lack of vigour and die back.

If you come home one day and the Tree Police have taped off your birch tree and stood around looking confused then your tree has died in mysterious circumstances. If you decide to replace your Himalayan Birch tree without knowing the cause of death then we suggest finding a new spot for it if at all possible. This is to minimise the risk of something being in the soil that caused you a problem. If however, you notice out the corner of your eye an out of place JCB with wide tyre tracks leading to your prized Betula Jacquemontii then we think it safe to buy another tree from us online and plant in the same place.

Himalayan Birch is listed as being a H7 in frost hardiness terms which means it can go down to minus 20 degrees centigrade.

Message card included at no additional cost if required. Just add the information required on the card at checkout.

Planting Himalayan Birch Betula Jacquemontii

When choosing a spot for your Birch tree go for full sun and sheltered. It will tolerate partial shade but you will get better results in full sun. Although the tree is listed as drought and wet tolerant, prolonged standing water could become a problem.

The best way to plant this Birch tree is to get someone else to do it. The second best way is to learn telekinesis. Failing that plant in moist but well-draining soil. Himalayan Birch Betula Jacquemontii is tolerant of most soil conditions including sand, chalk, clay and loam. Acid to neutral soils are also tolerated. It seems the only place you cannot plant this Birch tree is in shallow chalk and your attic. It is for these reasons Betula Jacquemontii is easy to grow.

Dig the hole at least 25% wider and deeper than the pot it comes in as this makes it easier for the roots to spread. If you suspect your soil is of poor quality e.g clay then mix the excavated soil 50:50 with well-rotted manure or compost. Adding bone meal could give the tree a boost. Tease the smaller roots out that have started to grow around the outside of the root ball. Do this extra carefully if outside of the dormant season e.g. Spring and Summer. Place a small amount of soil back in the hole so that when you place the tree in, the top of the root ball will be level with the ground. Half fill the hole and gently firm the soil with your foot. Fill the hole completely and firm again. Water with at least 20 litres and keep watered for the next week or so, especially in Summer. All being well you might hear your Himalayan Birch tree give a slight sigh of relief as it settles into its new home or it is your muscles complaining of hard labour.

Himalayan Birch trees are shallow-rooted trees so in exposed sites, you might want to consider staking. The stake will need to be placed "up wind" of the tree if using a single stake and in the UK the prevailing winds are from the South West. If you are using two stakes opposed to each other (in location not political views) then still a good idea to have one of them up wind.

If you have more than one Himalayan Birch tree and want to plant an avenue or copse then you need to plant them so their branches will not touch each other, especially in high winds because this could cause damage to the tree and let disease in. As the width of the tree could be up to 8 metres, to be absolutely safe go for that spacing.

Planting Himalayan Birch Betula Jacquemontii Close To A Building
The Royal Institute for Chartered Surveyors state "It must be noted that in most cases trees located close to buildings will not cause any damage. There is guidance on sensible tree planting distances which is mainly related to trees growing on shrinkable clay soils. Planting distances on other soil types are likely to be different. It is also worth pointing out that some experts argue that these distance tables are too conservative." For Birch trees, the tables suggest a minimum planting distance of 4m away from the building which is to cover worst-case scenario which would be very heavy clay soil with shallow foundations. Houses built before 1980's have a higher risk of having shallower foundations.

The two problems are from large roots applying pressure to a structure and small roots taking water out of the clay soil with the former being considerably less of a problem than the latter. Large roots for a Birch are roughly within the first 1m and even then are extremely unlikely to be strong enough to cause problems with foundations, more likely paving slabs and old clay drains. Secondly are the smaller roots which takes out water from clay soil causing it to contract which may cause your foundations to shift. Evidence of this is usually small cracks around window and door frames. If you don't have clay soil and your foundations are deep and on rock/sandstone etc, it seems you are extremely low risk. As you can see, each case is individual and dependent upon lots of variables. If you do suspect your Himalayan Birch tree of causing foundations issues, one thing you can do to reduce the amount of water taken from the soil is to prune the tree back reduce the crown by 70% according to the the RHS) as this reduces the water requirements from the roots. Preferably prune late Summer to Mid Winter.

Brain Numbing Information About Our Himalayan Birch Betula Jacquemontii
Discovered by David Don in Nepal in 1841. This means it was 6.41 pm in Nepal at the time of discovery or it was the year 1841. Most likely discovered in the wild and not as David was walking around a Nepalese tree shop.

The bark has previously been and still is used as paper. This is more for ceremonial use rather than photocopier refills. There are oils in the bark which severely slows down the decomposition process and before anyone asks, no you should not spread it over your gran when she is asleep to get a few more birthdays out of her.

It is also easy to set fire to so a very useful addition to your kindling pile and the wood will burn even when wet. We should emphasise wet and not submerged as we do have some customers that test our claims.

Himalayan birch trees are considered a pioneer species which means it performs very well in areas where other trees did not, or outgrows/performs other trees when the land has been cleared.

The average life span for most birch trees is 40-50 years but some have been known to live for over 200. If 40-50 years does not feel like good value for money then try measuring the life span of your Himalayan Birch tree in dog years.

In some countries, they use birch tree sap as a substitute for sugar. Maybe their soft drinks are advertised as "high in tree products and low in sugar"

If you want to grow your own Multi-stemmed Himalayan Birch Betula Jacquemontii then start with one about 50-100cm tall and cut the main leader down to around 30cm. The birch will send out new branches forming a multi-stemmed version that does not grow as tall as the single-stemmed versions.

See What Our Customers Are Saying About Our Himalayan Birch Trees

Dear Alan, I just wanted to say thank you. Our trees came yesterday and they are magnificent *(Himalayan Birch Multi-stem). All three are bigger than I expected which is fantastic and we are so so excited to get them in the ground. Thank you so much, Sophie 0224

Hi Alan, Just to let you know that trees arrived yesterday and all looking good. Thanks for that. All best D. Brattesani 0821
Hi Alan, My *Himalayan Birch Betula Jacquemontii trees arrived yesterday and look great. They are bigger than I expected and are in excellent condition. Thanks for special attention you gave me and for the first class service. Best wishes Bryan 0820-26027

Hi Alan The trees all arrived as agreed, and are fantastic specimens - thank you. All planted now and are drawing admiring comments from teachers and parents alike! Tracey Syrett 0314

*Added for transparency and clarity.

Tree Jargon Explained
Half Standard:
Around 80-100cm clear stem.
Standard: Around 180-200cm clear stem.
Feathered: Branches for most of the trunk/stem length.
Multi-Stem/Bush: Very little or no clear stem. Multiple branching starting low to the ground. 
Rootball: Dug from the field with roots intact i.e. no pot. 
Pot: Plastic container that the tree was grown in.
Maiden: 1 year tree that has not been pruned.
Pleached: Foliage a square/rectangle flat shape wired to a bamboo frame with some clear stem. 
Screen: Same as pleached but much less/no clear stem.

Multiple Order Discount
Orders over £750 for 150cm+ trees might be discounted by contacting us

Ornamental Tree Roots In The Shade e.g. Behind A Fence
It is more important that that foliage (posh term for leaves) receives the sunlight than the roots. So if the canopy of your ornamental tree can sunbathe but the bottom of your tree thinks there has been a nuclear winter then that is ok. You might want to ensure you have good drainage as water and no sun is the start of algae and other such issues.

Early Autumn Leaf Fall
Heat stress, being potted, lack of water, being boxed up for a few days etc can cause early Autumn leaf fall. Once planted, normal service will resume next season. 

Do I Need To Stake My Ornamental Tree?
9 out of 10 times the answer will be no, especially if under 200cm tall. However our article on Tree Staking should help guide you.

Climate Change
Climate Change has increased aesthetic foliage issues such as Powdery Mildew, Shothole, Rust, frost damage etc These are not terminal issues and will usually last a season or less. All trees are inspected before being sent out to ensure they are fundamentally healthy and will bounce back. 

Planting In The Corner Of A Garden
Air and light is reduced in this location which could promote fungus and bacterial issues. If the corner is of the house and a fence then you also have leeching issues to contend with from cement and wood preservatives. Also when it rains, that area would experience higher water levels so we advise against it unless the plant is very hardy. 

Mature Tree Warranty
Once a tree is over 3 years old, the failure rate is considerably less and our Tree Warranty does not cover it at 100%. Please check details. 

Water Logged Conditions
Willow, Alder, Birch and Poplar may help lower the water level so long as you do not have permanent standing water e.g. your local diving and sailing club meets on your lawn.

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