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Norway Maple Drummondii Tree Acer Platanoides Drummondii Fast Growing + Variegated Foliage + Award + Pollution **FREE UK MAINLAND DELIVERY**

Norway Maple Drummondii Tree Acer Platanoides Drummondii Fast Growing + Variegated Foliage + Award + Pollution **FREE UK MAINLAND DELIVERY**
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Acer Platanoides Drummondii Variegated Norway Maple Half Standard 180-240cm
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Available Options:
Size Qty
180-240cm (+£36.00)   
Girth 8-10 cm (+£168.00)   

For taller options and non-tree planting schemes Contact us stating species, height/girth and delivery postcode.  

Norway Maple Drummondii Tree (Acer platanoides `Drummondii`) Options Explained

Around 125-150+ tall at delivery. Usually a feathered tree in a 9-12L pot.
150-180cm: Around 150-180+cm tall delivered, usually a half standard tree in a 12-15L pot
180-240cm: Around 180-240cm+ tall delivered, usually a half standard tree in a 12-18L pot
Girth 8-10cm: Around 240-300cm tall or more, usually a standard in an 18-25L pot.

We recommend this tree as being the best of the variegated-leaved maples. The main feature of Norway Maple Drummondii (Acer platanoides 'Drummondii') is its variegated leaves, the leaves being darkish-green tinged with creamy-white edges. The RHS Award Of Garden Merit comes a close second. During autumn these leaves turn an attractive orange colour and the tree bears small clumps of winged seed. If you see actual bears in your tree then your local Zoo has a fence problem.

Yellow flowers appear before the foliage but If you cannot see them, it might be nighttime or wasn't planted where you told the gardener to.

Like Crimson King, this tree is very tolerant of pollution, so ideal for a garden close to a busy road. Expected to have a 10-year height of around 6 x4m but could go on to be double that depending on local conditions and chain saw accidents.

A popular tree in public parks, either because it is very attractive to look at or they might have been very cheap at one point.

Not native to the UK so a great passive/aggressive choice if you have very right-wing neighbours. You can give a righteous smile as they goosestep past the greenhouse.

Planting Norway Maple Drummondii, Acer platanoides Drummondii
The easiest way to plant this tree is by emotionally blackmailing someone who knows what they are doing. Failing that, plant in partial shade to full sun (shade will affect leaf brightness) and well-draining soils. Will tolerate most soils from acid to alkaline and chalk to clay. Hardy down to minus 20 degrees centigrade which means unless you explore the poles in your spare time, you are likely to complain about the cold before the tree does.

Pruning Norway Maple Drummondii, Acer platanoides Drummondii
As a general rule, you can leave it alone however an occasional thinning will encourage replacement growth. Occasionally, branches can grow with plain green leaves which is called reversion; these should be pruned out. You can finish your coffee first but sooner rather than later is better. Other than that this tree does not require any heavy pruning.

See What Our Customers Are Saying About Our Acer Platanoides Drummondii

Lovely *Acer Drummondii tree and great service even in these ,thanks .Robyn 0520-26290

*Added for transparency and clarity

Tree Jargon Explained
Half Standard:
Around 80-100cm clear stem.
Standard: Around 180-200cm clear stem.
Feathered: Branches for most of the trunk/stem length.
Multi-Stem/Bush: Very little or no clear stem. Multiple branching starting low to the ground. 
Rootball: Dug from the field with roots intact i.e. no pot. 
Pot: Plastic container that the tree was grown in.
Maiden: 1 year tree that has not been pruned.
Pleached: Foliage a square/rectangle flat shape wired to a bamboo frame with some clear stem. 
Screen: Same as pleached but much less/no clear stem.

Multiple Order Discount
Orders over £750 for 150cm+ trees might be discounted by contacting us

Ornamental Tree Roots In The Shade e.g. Behind A Fence
It is more important that that foliage (posh term for leaves) receives the sunlight than the roots. So if the canopy of your ornamental tree can sunbathe but the bottom of your tree thinks there has been a nuclear winter then that is ok. You might want to ensure you have good drainage as water and no sun is the start of algae and other such issues.

Early Autumn Leaf Fall
Heat stress, being potted, lack of water, being boxed up for a few days etc can cause early Autumn leaf fall. Once planted, normal service will resume next season. 

Do I Need To Stake My Ornamental Tree?
9 out of 10 times the answer will be no, especially if under 200cm tall. However our article on Tree Staking should help guide you.

Climate Change
Climate Change has increased aesthetic foliage issues such as Powdery Mildew, Shothole, Rust, frost damage etc These are not terminal issues and will usually last a season or less. All trees are inspected before being sent out to ensure they are fundamentally healthy and will bounce back. 

Planting In The Corner Of A Garden
Air and light is reduced in this location which could promote fungus and bacterial issues. If the corner is of the house and a fence then you also have leeching issues to contend with from cement and wood preservatives. Also when it rains, that area would experience higher water levels so we advise against it unless the plant is very hardy. 

Mature Tree Warranty
Once a tree is over 3 years old, the failure rate is considerably less and our Tree Warranty does not cover it at 100%. Please check details. 

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